Traditional Face LIFT (Rhytidectomy)
Over the past decade, the use of fillers and neurotoxins has helped rejuvenate those patients looking to reverse minor, early signs of aging. But many patients have a degree of facial aging that cannot be corrected satisfactorily by fillers alone. Facelift surgery (rhytidectomy) is the only reliable way to permanently correct moderate to marked facial aging. It is often performed in conjunction with procedures that rejuvenate the eye region (brow-lift, eyelift) to preserve facial harmony.
Do I need face lift surgery?
- I am concerned about the sagging in my cheeks
- The smile lines in my cheeks are very deep
- I am starting to develop jowls
- My neck looks so old and I am starting to wear turtlenecks, scarves and higher collared shirts to hide the bands and skin folds
Expected Outcome
- more youthful appearance to the lower 2/3 of the face
- often combined with lower eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) for balancing facial rejuvenation
Incisions are made in the hairline and around the ear, hidden in natural skin folds, and elevation of facial flaps are performed. Suspension of the facial fat pads is performed to provide a rejuvenated facial shape. Neck muscle suspension and repositioning rejuvenate the angles of the neck. The facial flaps are then suspended to create a smooth shape to the cheeks and neck, and the extra skin slack is taken up and removed. In cases where less correction is required, mini-lifts (S-lift) can be used, which allow for shorter surgery and faster recovery time. The S-lift is not applicable for patients requiring moderate to more extensive corrections.
- Location: Cambie Surgery Centre
- Anesthesia / Sedation: Deep intravenous sedation or general anesthetic
- Duration: 3.5 -4 hours
- Length of stay: Outpatient (same day discharge); in some cases patients may be requested to stay overnight at the surgery centre for monitoring.
- Bruising: Common, fades by 2-3 weeks after the surgery.
- Swelling: Mild to moderate, resolves by 2 weeks.
- Pain: Mild to moderate. Often only 2-3 days of prescription medications required.
- Numbness: Moderate in the cheeks and neck for 5-8 months.
- Dressings: Moderate. Neck and facial wrap. Drains occasionally— removed the following morning. Facial garment must be worn most of the time for the first 3 weeks.
- Return to Work: 3 weeks
- Return to Exercise: 2 weeks
Learn more about the history, procedure, and advantages of
Facelifts with Dr. Bryce Cowans |