Ear Reshaping (OtoPLASTY)
Any surgery that reshapes the ear is known as an otoplasty. Most commonly, this procedure is used to correct the position of ears that stick out too far and are easily seen when face-to-face (Prominent Ear Deformity). It provides welcome relief for adults and children with prominent ears who have often been targets of insensitive comments. Other ear surgery is used to restore lost or damaged ear elements from trauma or incomplete ear formation.
Do I need Ear Reshaping surgery?
- My ears stick out too far.
- My upper ear folds over.
- My earlobes have been torn or are too long.
- I have had an injury to my ear shape.
- I was born with misshapen ears.
Expected Outcome
- Improved ear shape, size and position
Due the numerous variations in specific concerns patients have about their ears, Dr. Cowan will individualize the specific procedure for you after a complete analysis and discussion of your expected correction. If the otoplasty is to correct a ‘Prominent Ear Deformity’, incisions are hidden in the natural crease behind the ear, and both cartilage release and hidden reshaping sutures provide the desired correction.
- Location: Skin Care Centre
- Anesthesia / Sedation: Local anesthetic (oral sedation) or general anesthesia
- Duration: 2 hours
- Length of Stay: Outpatient (same day discharge)
- Bruising: Common, fades by 2-3 weeks after the surgery.
- Swelling: Mild to moderate, resolves by 2 weeks.
- Pain: Mild to moderate. Often only 2-3 days of prescription medications required.
- Dressings: Moderate. Molding dressings are required for the first week after surgery. Headbands may be required to assist in holding shape for 2 weeks.
- Return to Work: 7 days
- Return to Exercise: 14 days